Courtesy of Bernie Zaharia


Per 1 gallon of water add:

  • 1 Tbsp of Rx20 rose fertilizer or RX 15-30-15
  • 1 Tbsp of Alaska Fish Emulsion (Peavey Mart)
  • 1 Tbsp of Epsom salts
  • And for the first feeding: 1 Tbsp micronized Iron (Iron Chelate) added to prevent chlorosis. Each rose bush gets 1/2 gallon of this solution starting in May when in full leaf, the second in June and the third in early July.

NEVER FERTILIZE AFTER THE FIRST OF AUGUST. It encourages new weak growth and may cause winter kill. Roses need lots of sun, nutrients and water and must have good drainage and air circulation. If there is no rain, they should have 2 gallons of water per week for healthy growth. Morning watering is preferable to prevent fungal diseases.